The system consists of a large screen Reader that can accept 16mm and 35mm microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards, a ScreenScan Model A3 microfilm digitizer and software. The system has a 11 inch x 17 inch screen that is capable of displaying the full 35mm frame using the lower magnification lens and full frame of the 16mm film using the higher magnification lens. The scanner bar sweeps the screen from left to right and accomplishes a scan of the entire screen in less than 7 seconds and sends a sharp and crisp image of the microfilm to a connected personal computer. TIFF and JPEG are the standard formats for the scan with resolutions of 100, 200, 300 and 400 dpi.



Specifications for Reader 456D-800E RF
Magnification:  Dual lens 9X and 24X, 30X
Carrier:  105mm x 187mm for Aperture Cards
Manual rollfilm carrier for 16mm and 35mm open reels
Input:  Microfiche, Jackets, Aperture Cards,
16mm and 35mm rollfilm in open reels
Focus:  Front-mounted precision control
Lamp:  13.8V 85W
Electrical:  120Volt, 50/60 Hz, UL
Construction:  Metal
Warranty:  1 year limited warranty

Specifications for ScreenScan Model A3
Screen Size:  11” high x 17” wide
Scan Resolution:  100, 200, 300 and 400 dpi
File Format: TIFF Group IV, JPEG
Interface Board:  Plug and Play PCI card(Supplied with scanner)
Operating System:  MS-2000, MS-NT, MS-XP
Software:  ScreenScan 32-bit Software with many features
Scan Mode:  Single swipe scan of 11” x 17” area, or operator defined scan window to optimize scan time for less than 17” scans
Scan Speed:  variable from 2 to 9 seconds depending on resolution and document size
Other Features:  Auto speckle removal, black border removal
Low contrast film enhancement, Edit features, E-mail and fax, Save to “CD”
Printing:  Prints to off the shelf laser printers, ink-jet printers and large format plotters
Warranty:  1 year limited warranty