Many microfilm archives encompass very large quantities of individual microfiches. With the fully automatic digitization technology of the DRS DIGITIZER, they can be recorded problem-free and saved as a file. Every file can be edited, digitally archived, and analyzed with an image processing program.


Unlike other conventional systems, the DRS DIGITIZER uses a high-resolution CCD full frame chip camera in order to create an image with up to 256 grayscales. Optimal illumination occurs via a non-wearing LED lighting technology specially designed for DRS. Every document on a microfilm is automatically recorded and digitized with high quality. Even sophisticated originals are perfectly readable.

digitizer details


The antistatic repository contains several hundred microfiches in all prevalent sizes. By means of a pneumatic feed system developed by us, the originals are transported to the light table with the utmost care. Even electrostatically charged fiche and jackets are reliably separated by an air current.


The image recognition and processing software of the DRS DIGITIZER determine the precise position of every individual document on the microfiche. Every document is individually surveyed, aligned and cropped. The image file can be stored for processing in different file formats according to the customer’s desire.


CCD chip camera 2.300×3.500 pixels, full frame chip, chipsize: 23x35mm (higher resolution possible upon request)
Resolution Up to 300 dpi (higher resolution possible) 12 bit greyscale with high spatial resolution
Speed approx. 0,5sec/Image (in grayscale levels)
Machine Throughput up to 140.000 Images in 24 hours (The refill interval is approx. 12 hrs. for COM fiches)
Fiche/Jacket Types Supports all standard fiche and jackets incl. COM, AB-Dick, silver, diazo, positiv, negativ, duplex, cine and comic mode. Image can be 16mm and 35 mm mixed types 35mm/16mm possibel in one cycle
Reduction Ratios 15x to 50x
Fiche/Jacket Formats 105mmx148mm and 103mmx152mm (metric, imperial)
other dimensions possible
Fiche/Jacket Feed Automatic, preserves originals because low-contact.
No recording of the individual fiche in cassettes. Original holder holds up to 200 fiches, extensible to more than 1000 fiches automatic turning of the processed fiche/jackets. Removal in original order.
Document detection Precise automatic position detection of the documents on the fiche/jackets,also for difficult, low-contrast originals. Also grid originals are possible. Manual document detection possible.
Quality Individual quality optimisation of each document through automatic contrast optimisation.
High quality of digitalization is achieved by recise exposure through chip-on-board exposure technology. No motion during the digitalization process. Pixel-precise positioning of the fiche/jackets through high-quality x-y machine tables
Further processing Automatic cropping of the documents.
Automatic aligning of the documents.
Customized defaults possible, by open software structure
Output formats TIFF, JPEG, multi-page formats, customised output formats possible.